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6 Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

February 23, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — mosbydds @ 5:35 pm
person learning about benefits of sedation dentistry

Sedation dentistry is a type of dentistry that uses sedative medications to help patients feel less anxious during dental procedures as well as relax throughout treatment. This can be a great option for people who are afraid of the sounds, treatments, or tools associated with visiting the dentist, people with certain mental or physical health conditions, and those who have a difficult time sitting still for long periods. Continue reading to learn about six of the benefits that are associated with sedation dentistry.

#1: Increased Comfort and Relaxation

Sedation dentistry can help you feel more comfortable and relaxed during dental procedures. This is because the medicine fills you with a feeling of calm. Some forms of sedation even cause you to temporarily fall asleep so you can rest your way through treatment.

#2: Reduced Anxiety

Another benefit of sedation dentistry is that it can help reduce anxiety. Anxiety can make dental procedures more stressful and uncomfortable to undergo. It can also make it hard to cooperate with the dentist, which can lead to complications. Sedation dentistry makes you feel calm, therefore relieving your anxiousness.

#3: Reduced Pain

Sedation dentistry can also help reduce pain during dental procedures. This is because the relaxation you feel throughout treatment makes you less aware of the pain. Paired with a local anesthetic to numb the area, you should experience minimal discomfort throughout treatment.

#4: Increased Cooperation

Another way that dental sedation benefits patients is that it can help them cooperate more during procedures. This can be especially helpful if you have certain medical or mental conditions that may make it more difficult to administer treatment to you. This includes conditions that cause mental distress or pain when sitting in the dental chair for long periods.

#5: Increased Productivity

Sedation dentistry can help dentists complete procedures more quickly. This is because the relation that patients feel keeps them calm throughout treatment, allowing dentists to administer more efficient care. This can be especially helpful for people who have a lot of dental work that needs to be done.

#6: Increased Patient Satisfaction

When you are fearful or anxious about receiving care from your dentist, this can make it hard to be satisfied with your visit. That worry is a thing of the past with sedation dentistry. Dental sedation can help increase patient satisfaction. This is because patients who are less anxious and more comfortable are more likely to be satisfied with the care they receive.

About the Practice

Dr. Scott Mosby and Dr. Chris Caldwell are two skilled dentists who specialize in providing comfortable and relaxing dental care to patients who are afraid of the dentist or have difficulty sitting still. They can go over the benefits of this treatment option to ensure that you feel comfortable before proceeding. If you want to make an appointment with Kingwood Family Dentistry or to learn more about sedation dentistry, call their office at (281) 359-6672 or visit their website.

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