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Teeth Whitening – Kingwood, TX

Brighten Your Smile the Easy Way

Over the years, many habits can cause your teeth to take on a darker hue, such as tobacco use and frequent coffee or wine consumption. Additionally, the white enamel of your teeth thins as you age, allowing more of the yellowish underlying dentin to be exposed. If you’re ready to enjoy a brighter, more youthful smile, you might be interested in our professional teeth whitening treatment. This take-home kit can dramatically brighten your smile by several shades in record time.

Why Choose Kingwood Family Dentistry for Teeth Whitening?

How Our Take-Home Teeth Whitening Works

young woman admiring her smile in mirror after teeth whitening in Kingwood

After a consultation in which Dr. Mosby determines that teeth whitening is the right solution for you, he’ll take impressions of your teeth and use those molds to create personalized trays. Their custom-made fit ensures none of our ultra-potent bleaching gel irritates the soft tissues in your mouth.

For half an hour or so a day, you’ll fill your trays with the gel, which is exponentially more effective than the whitening strips and toothpastes you can find at the drugstore. We recommend brushing your teeth before putting the trays in for maximum effectiveness. You can wear the trays at any time of day, whether you’re getting ready for work in the morning or unwinding with your favorite show before bed.

Most patients report their smile being up to eight shades whiter after just two weeks of daily treatment.

Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening

take-home teeth whitening trays and gel

In addition to providing more drastic results that last longer, professional teeth whitening has many advantages over store-bought whitening products, such as:

Is Teeth Whitening Right for Me?

young woman pointing to her smile with white teeth

If you are unhappy with the color of your teeth, you may be a good candidate for teeth whitening. For most people, teeth whitening is a safe and effective treatment. However, it may not work if you have restorations such as veneers or crowns on your front teeth. These restorations do not respond to the active ingredients in our bleaching solution. To make sure your smile stays all the same shade, you may need to get the restorations replaced after your whitening treatment.

Also, some types of tooth discoloration may not be removable even with our incredibly effective whitening gel. If that’s the case and you still wish to whiten your smile, we can discuss a few other options that may be right for you.

Want to learn more about how the team at Kingwood Family Dentistry can help you restore your smile’s natural beauty? Contact us today to discuss teeth whitening as well as some of our other cosmetic dentistry services.

Understanding the Cost of Teeth Whitening

lady thinks something over

Before committing to receiving teeth whitening treatment at Kingwood Family Dentistry, it only makes sense that you’d want to know how much it can cost. Since each person’s situation is unique, the overall cost of this treatment can vary from patient to patient. Here’s a brief overview of the factors that contribute to the price of this treatment so that you can have a better idea of what to expect. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact our office for more information.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Teeth Whitening

before and after teeth whitening

While a single teeth whitening treatment usually comes at one set price, certain factors can cause a patient to need multiple treatments to achieve their intended results. A few of these include:

  • The severity of the discoloration: Extensive stains or buildups may require multiple treatments to be resolved.
  • The types of stains present: Stains can be extrinsic, or located on the surface of the tooth, or intrinsic, or located beneath the enamel. The nature of your discoloration may make more treatments necessary.
  • The necessity of preliminary treatments: It will be necessary to resolve any tooth decay or gum disease before receiving teeth whitening, and the cost of the associated treatments will be reflected on your bill.

What Are the Different Types of Teeth Whitening?

professional take-home whitening kit

Dental stains are a common problem, and there is a wide variety of treatments available to help address it. However, these treatments are not created equal and are priced accordingly. Your teeth whitening options will generally fall into one of these four categories:

  • In-office teeth whitening procedures can cost anywhere between $400 and $800, but treatment in more severe cases may cost as much as $1,000.
  • Professional take-home whitening kits that include customized trays usually go for a few hundred dollars.
  • “Over-the-counter” take-home whitening kits that you can find in pharmacies usually cost up to $100.
  • Whitening strips or gels are the cheapest option by far. A two-week supply of strips usually runs between $20 and $40.

Inexpensive Teeth Whitening Vs. Professional Teeth Whitening

lady thinks something over

When considering these options, it’s important to remember that you get what you pay for. While store-bought whitening products promise big results for a lower cost, they can result in injuries due to user error or just being of poor quality. In some cases, these cheaper options can also be quite ineffective, leading users to treat their teeth for months with no noticeable effect. If your teeth whitening treatment is administered by a qualified dental professional, you get the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your dentist will do everything they can to prevent complications while ensuring that you quickly achieve maximum results.

Options for Making Teeth Whitening Affordable

lady smiles

Dental insurance plans do not usually cover teeth whitening since it is considered to be an elective cosmetic procedure. However, there are other ways to make your treatment easier on your budget. We partner with CareCredit to offer you a selection of payment plans that break your bill into easy monthly installments with little to no interest. Our team will be happy to go over the details of your payment options with you during your consultation.

Teeth Whitening FAQs

Closeup of teeth whitening before and after

Are you ready to remove years of stubborn stains and discoloration? Dr. Mosby would love to help with a take-home teeth whitening treatment in Kingswood! We know many of our patients like to do their research before giving us a call, which is why we have answered a few frequently asked questions below. If you can’t find the answer to your specific question or you would like to schedule your initial consultation, then contact our office today.

Does Teeth Whitening Cause Permanent Tooth Sensitivity?

Absolutely not! Although sensitivity the day or two following your treatment is completely normal, the sensation will dissipate. Plus, Dr. Mosby uses customized trays so you can enjoy all the benefits of our ultra-potent bleaching gel with minimal irritation. In short, the only long-term effect will be a bright, beautiful smile.

How Long Does Teeth Whitening Last?

The longevity of your teeth whitening treatment results rests heavily on how you care for your new and improved smile. For example, if you partake in poor dental habits, like using tobacco products and drinking an excessive amount of coffee, then you can expect discoloration to resurface within a few months. On the other hand, if you implement a solid oral hygiene routine and visit our dentist in Kingswood every six months for a professional cleaning, then the results can last for years!

Does Teeth Whitening Affect Fillings, Veneers, or Crowns?

While the whitening agent will not change the shade of your restorations, they can temporarily reduce their bond with your enamel. To prevent that from happening, Dr. Mosby begins each consultation with a thorough exam. Once he’s determined you are a candidate and has discussed your smile goals in-depth, he will create a custom treatment plan based on your unique dental needs. That way, you can safely get the bright, beautiful smile you deserve.

Is Teeth Whitening Bad For My Enamel?

In short, the answer is no. Every component of our teeth whitening process has been extensively researched and tested for safety and effectiveness. Plus, our professional-grade, high-quality materials are ADA-approved. Additionally, unlike store-bought alternatives, your treatment is supervised by a licensed professional to ensure your beautiful new smile doesn’t come at the cost of your oral health.

How Much Does Teeth Whitening Cost?

From the level of discoloration to the number of treatments needed, there are a variety of factors that influence the cost of whitening your smile. To ensure you get the right answer, that doesn’t include paying for anything you don’t need, we encourage you to schedule an initial consultation with our team. From there, we can discuss your options and provide you with the exact price.

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